
Sidewalks in Indonesia

Sidewalks in Indonesia

Sidewalks in Indonesia ~ The pavement is one of the facilities to support the implementation of the traffic and road transport among other facilities such as bicycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, bus stops, and / or special facilities for the disabled and the elderly, as it says in Article 45 paragraph ( 1) Act No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Transportation ( "LLAJ Act"). The provision of support facilities (including sidewalks) above was organized by the government relies on the type of road where the sidewalk was built [Article 45 paragraph (2) of the Act LLAJ]:
  • For national road, held by the central government;
  • For provincial roads, organized by the provincial government;
  • For district roads and rural roads, organized by the district;
  • For the city, organized by the city government;
  • For highways, organized by the toll road business entity.
  • Important note, the availability of the facility is the right of pedestrian walkways that have been referred to in Article 131, paragraph (1) of the Act LLAJ. This means, sidewalks intended for pedestrians and not for private persons. More is said in Article 25 paragraph (1) letter h Act LLAJ that any roads used for general traffic shall be equipped with road equipment, which is one form of supporting facilities of traffic and road transport are on the road and off the road , This means that, as one way of supporting facilities, sidewalks is also a road equipment. Still related to the pavement as road equipment, based on Article 28 paragraph (2) of the Act LLAJ, every person prohibited from doing acts that cause interference with the function of road equipment. There are two (2) types of sanctions that can be imposed on people who use the sidewalk as private property and disturbing pedestrians:
  • The threat of punishment for any person who cause disturbances in the function of road equipment is liable to a maximum imprisonment of one (1) year or a fine of not more Rp24.000.000,00 (twenty four million rupiah) (Article 274 paragraph (2) of the Act LLAJ); or
  • Any person who perform acts that cause interference with the function of Traffic Signs, Marka Road, Paraphernalia Gesture Traffic, amenities Walking and Road Users safety devices, shall be punished with imprisonment of 1 (one) month or a fine of not more 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand rupiah) (Article 275 paragraph (1) of the Act LLAJ).
  • Furthermore, we will also answer your questions based on Government Regulation No. 34 Year 2006 on Roads ( "PP Way"). PP street is one set of road sections that include the benefits of road space, the right of way, and the surveillance room roads (Article 33 Jalan PP). Pursuant to Article 34 paragraph (1) PP Road, room benefits include the path of the road, the curb line and the safety threshold. Furthermore, the space benefits that path only for the median, pavement, lane dividers, road shoulders, the channel edges of roads, sidewalks, slopes, the threshold of safety, embankment and excavation, culverts, road equipment, buildings and other complementary [Article 34 paragraph (3) PP Road]. The function of the pavement was reaffirmed in Article 34 paragraph (4) PP Road, which reads: Sidewalk referred to in paragraph (3) only for pedestrian traffic.This means, the function of the pavement should not be distorted in any way, including privately owned on the grounds pavement reserved for pedestrian traffic.
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